• english
  • german

Hamburg Standard Rates (valid since 01.06.2017):

Since summer 2017 we have two different prices on the meter depending on the time you actually take a cab.

  • Basic rate 3,50 / 4,20 €
  • km 1 to 4: 2,45 / 2,50 € /km
  • km 5-9 : 2,20 / 2,30 €/km
  • from km 9: 1,50 / 1,60 €/km

The queue time will only be charged after 60 seconds of an absolute standstill. This means you will not be charged any waiting fees in normal traffic

The pick-up when you booked your taxi in advance as well as any charges for card-payments are already included in the basic rate.

Price Recommendations

in Euro for interurban destinations (Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Lower Saxony)

Fahrziel km Preis Fahrziel km Preis
Bad Bevensen 85 129,- € Kaltenkirchen 29 55,- €
Berlin 285 375,- € Lauenburg 48 74,- €
Braunschweig 199 289,- € Leipzig 435 639,- €
Bremen 123 184,- € Lübeck 65 95,- €
Bremerhaven 180 270,- € Lüneburg 54 89,- €
Brunsbüttel 88 132,- € Malente 86 116,- €
Buchholz 37 55,- € Maschen 35 65,- €
Buxtehude 50 75,- € Mölln 51 79,- €
Celle 119 175,- € München 775 1099,- €
Cuxhaven 130 197,- € Neumünster 67 99,- €
Dortmund 343 500,- € Nürnberg 607 879,- €
Dresden 500 725,- € Osnabrück 232 345,- €
Düsseldorf 397 576,- € Ratzeburg 62 95,- €
Eckernförde 119 179,- € Rendsburg 106 162,- €
Emden 250 355,- € Rostock 195 273,- €
Essen 365 529,- € Schleswig 127 189,- €
Fallingbostel 94 141,- € Soltau 75 120,- €
Flensburg 159 199,- € Stade 52 88,- €
Frankfurt a. M. 495 725,- € Stralsund 268 359,- €
Geesthacht 34 65,- € Timmendorf 79 120,- €
Glücksstadt 58 88,- € Tostedt 45 73,- €
Hannover 150 228,- € Walsrode 100 145,- €
Heide 105 151,- € Wilhelmshaven 220 319,- €
Husum 143 179,- € Wismar 136 199,- €
Itzehoe 57 87,- € Wolfsburg 220 329,- €

travelling from the city centre of Hamburg (airport fees might vary according to heading there might be rebates or surcharges. VAT included

Kommentare sind geschlossen.